I don't know about anyone else, but I am happy to say goodbye and good riddance to 2010! We have had too many ups and downs this year and I'm praying, hoping, and wishing that 2011 will be a better year for my family.
2010 began with my mom being diagnosed with a second occurrence of Hodgkins Lymphoma. not exactly how you want to begin a new year. We took things as they came and at times found it hard to keep our heads above water. On top of her cancer diagnosis she was also diagnosed with COPD ( Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder) and Congenitive heart failure. All of which are no fun! Thank God she is now 4 months into remission, she has had an internal defibrillator installed to keep her from dropping dead on us, and her COPD is controlled with the use of oxygen. Mom is still not out of the woods, but she's slowly getting there. If we could just get her bone marrow to recover from the damaging effects of chemo, she'd be right as rain.
Just as mom is in the clear from cancer my father in law is diagnosed with a grapefruit sized mass growing on his hip. It's compressing his sciatic nerve as well as all of the other nerves in his hip joint causing excruciating pain in his back and leg. He and my mother in law left the day after Christmas to see a orthopedic surgeon to see about having the mass removed for biopsy so the oncologist here could plan his next move. Instead he decided to do an open core biopsy and remove a good chunk to be taken to the lab for pathology. The orthopedic surgeon said it doesn't look like a tumor at all but a large blood clot. This is very good news for my father in law. We are still waiting on lab results, but if it is a blood clot, it can be shrunk and reabsorbed by his own body with a few injections given by a radiologist here in Odessa. We are praying for more good news as it is very hard to see dad suffer.
2010 did yield us some highs, even if they were overshadowed by lows. Maia started cheerleading and fell in love with something that she wants to continue doing for a long time. She has dreams and aspirations that she can achieve as long as she keeps her eyes on the prize. I m so very proud of my Mini Peppette and look forward to the 2011 football season.
Micaylah is growing into quite the young lady, and although teenage years are right around the corner she is a wonderful young woman right now and I'm hoping she stays that way ;) She has started tking guitar lessons, and has become more outgoing at school and at church. She even joined the New Years Eve talent show at church. I'll try to post videos but Bloggers video uploading system sucks!
October 10, 2010 Michael, Micaylah and I were all baptized and our lives were forever changed. We gave testimony for the first time and shared our Baptism with our close friends and church family. It was a powerful evening for us and we continue to live for God and praise him for his Mercy, Grace and Blessings he has given to my and my family. He truly is an awesome God, and him pulling us out of the fires of 2010 has proven that to me tenfold.
Michael and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary and continue to love eachother more and more every day. I am so thankful to have this wonderful man in my life that I can call my own. He is so faithful and honest, a wonderful father and my best friend. I look forward to 40 more years with him!
I wish all of my 6 readers a very happy New Year! May 2011 be a year full of blessings, joy, laughter and love.
Adios 2010, don't let the door hit you on your way out!
You know you're getting older when....
1 year ago