Saturday, May 29, 2010

Summer, summer, summer time!

This week has been insane! With so much to do at work and school it's safe to say that we are SO GLAD Summer has arrived! WEdnesday Maia received 3 awards!! A Honor Roll all year, and 2 excellence in a math awards. Micaylah received her TAKS scores and she passed Writing and Math with flying colors. We are so proud of both of our girls. How blessed are Mike and I to have such amazing kids?

Today my best friend Courtney came in from Dallas with her new baby boy Marshall. I have been waiting to meet this little angel since his arrival on April 3rd. He is the sweetest baby and Court let me love on him all afternoon. I love babies and since I can't have any more of my own, I enjoy other peoples babies :) Micaylah is such a great helper and Marshall was grateful when she fed him a bottle. We had a great visit, I can't wait for her to come back into town next month.

Thankfully we don't have plans for the Memorial weekend. Being lazy around the house is just what I need to get over this week. I want to cook a pot of Menudo and just veg on the couch watching reruns of My Name Is Earl.

I hope you all have a wonderful long weekend. I'll be back soon with a big surprise. You wont want to miss it!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Just a quick hello!

I know, I'm the worst blogger but in all fairness it is the last week of school and I am SUPER busy with work so please bear with me.

For starters the kids are doing great! Both are healthy, mostly happy and so ready for summer vacation. Last week Maia's Brownie troop had their awards ceremony and my girl earned 12 patches! She was so proud and so was I. Her troop leaders organized a pizza and banana split party, and all 17 of the brownies had a blast! Micaylah's troop will do awards tomorrow and I'm hoping she has as much fun as Maia's troop did. Also last week I was elected into the Gonzalez PTA as Vice President. The idea of being on the board is exciting and scary but I'm definitely up for the challenge.

This week is insane! Between my job, the kids end of year activities, mom's appointments, and maintaining my sanity I'm having difficulty finding a quiet moment for myself. It's pretty bad when I look forward to going to the store for milk because I know I'll be alone for a few moments. Tomorrow Maia is going on the Accelerated Reader Mystery Trip ( Shh, they're going to Mr. Gatti's). She can go because she is a top reader at her school. Then Wednesday Maia will be getting a Principal's Award for Straight A's all year and then a surprise award, maybe citizenship or a reading award. Thursday both girls have Bulldog Blowout, which is like Feild Day but less structure, more craziness. The school rents jumpers, hires a DJ and enlists the help of parents to serve the kids all the snow cones, cotton candy, popcorn and pickles they can eat. It's a tradition at Gonzalez and all of the kids look forward to it every year. Thankfully Friday is the last day of school and I am officially on Summer vacation. I can't wait to sleep in and enjoy cups of coffee on my porch instead of cold starbucks at my desk :P

I hope everyone is well! Sorry for the quickie post, I promise once May is over I'll be able to devote more time to my 3 readers :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Much ado reviews Ouchies Jr.

A couple weeks ago Ouchies sent us their new line of Jr bandages to review and my kids were thrilled to see Olivia on the tin! Lil Miss LOVES Olivia and these were an instant hit. Her favorite had to be the " I always feel Olivia-ish". Super cute right?

I can't say enough good things about these fun bandages. My kids run straight for the Ouchies when ever they get a booboo and understandably so. Just picking the right design for their booboo distracts them from the hurt every time. I love the adhesive, even on a sweaty 6 yr old, it stays on like a gecko walking in the ceiling.

Ouchies are fun for everyone. Whether you're a boy or girl, young, teen or in your 30's you will love these bandages. To find an store near you, or to order online head on over to the Ouchies Website and check em out. I promise you'll wish you had a Owie so you could don one of these awesome bandages. THank you Ouchies for the awesome opportunity!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Answered Prayers!

I'm seriously on cloud 9! Why? Well we got the news Monday that Mom is in remission. Yes you read that correctly, REMISSION! All scans came back normal. Our prayers have been answered and in such a short amount of time. Our Lord above is truly great! Mom will still have to finish 8 more rounds of chemo followed by radiation therapy to ensure every cancer cell is obliterated. I can't put into words how happy I am knowing Mom is ok and will be around awhile longer! The kids are elated. Knowing Grandma has been sick has been hard for the 2 of them.... shoot, it has been hard on all of us. Thank you to everyone for your prayers and continued support. Without friends and family, these past 4 months would have been awful. Thank you for making me laugh and smile.

This week has been so long! Sunday Maia had a tummy bug. It was non stop throwing up, and crying on her part. Poor baby, she was so miserable I was afraid it was her appendix. Luckily it was just a 24 hr bug. Kaylah bug had her standardized state tests this week in reading and math. These tests are very stressful for the kids and KB is no exception. The pressure on these poor children is ridiculous. KB feels that she did well. I told her as long as she does her best, that we'd be proud no matter what the outcome. Pass or fail, commended or not, we are proud. When the older grade levels, the lower levels pack up and head off campus for field trips. Maia went to Lowe's and planted begonias and then headed to UTPB park for a picnic. She had a blast. Kids at my school tested as well and for someone who works in the office, it was heaven having the campus closed for 4 days. No parents coming in, 50% less phonecalls to answer, and most importantly it's QUIET! I love it.

I'm sorry this is so short, but with the school year coming to an end this is a very busy time for me. Please bear with me, I will be back very soon!