Monday, December 28, 2009

Another year has flown by!

It's time to say good bye to 2009 and move aside for 2010 because it's flying in a full speed! 2009 was a busy but quick year. We had our fair share of gains and losses, laughter and tears. We saw our girls grow, Lil Miss became a " Big Girl" and KB has become a little woman since she's entered the double digits age wise. We've lost loved ones and welcomed new souls into our lives. I turned 30 and it wasn't as horrible as i thought it would be. I started blogging again, even though I have 2 readers and am horrible at updating. Reconnected with a friend I had a falling out with, and it's like nothing ever happened. I gained new friends and co workers, finally had that garage sale, and my whole family including me, excluding my husband survived the swine flu.

I'm sure more has happened in 2009 but I'm just touching on high and low lights. I hope your year was full of blessings, laughter and love. May 2010 be just a generous!

Happy New Year!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

From my family to yours, Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

T'was 2 nights before Christmas...

Things I have done today:

1. Started making Menudo ( for the first time ever).

2. Took Penn and Teller to the vet. Penn got his Rabies booster and Teller got neutered. Merry Christmas Teller.

3. Went to Target for last minute Shopping. Bought Mike and my father in law the perfect gifts.

4. Met my friend at the carwash to exchange gifts, it was behind Target so I didn't have to go far.

5. Went to HEB, or hell on earth for last minute groceries. I wont be going there again for awhile!

6. Made my husband homemade salsa in my magic bullet. He said it was delicious.

7. Made red sauce for the menudo in the magic bullet. I love that thing!

8. Ordered dinner from Jason's Deli and picked it up.

9. 2 Loads of laundry

10. Made homemade fudge with 4 different chocolates and walnuts. Yum!

11. Made my famous rum cake. I can't wait to have a slice.

12. Finished up Menudo, we'll have it for lunch tomorrow when the inlaws come over.

13. Went to Walgreens.

14. Gave Lil Miss a bath

15. Washed dishes.

16. Took trash to the dumpster in the dark and rain.

17. Made glaze for rum cake and drowned the delectable thing in it.

18. Checked facebook, I'm an addict.

19. Typed this.

20. I'm signing off, taking a shower and crawling my tired self to bed. Teller has to be picked up pretty early in the morning.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Much ado reviews the new line of Ouchies!

I was thrilled when Ouchies emailed me to ask if I wanted to review their new line of Little Miss and Mr. Men bandages. It was a easy decision to make, Yes Yes Yes!!

These are seriously the cutest bandage ever! So cute in fact, that I can't choose a favorite. Ouchies are great for kids and grown ups and the best part, is that they stick like no other! Soon after they arrived in the mail my kids were so excited to get a booboo. Unfortunately my kids aren't as clumsy as they need to be when I have a bandage review to do! It was I that eventually needed a bandage after cutting my finger. As a mom I have to cook, clean and do the washing around here. Usually when you have a bandage on your hand one or two washes with soap and water and it will slide right off. Not these babies, It stayed on all day, I love that!

Ouchies has designs for boys, girls and everyone! They have also redesigned the original Ouchies adding new bandage designs and revamped tins. To find a retailer near you, or to purchase Ouchies online, click here!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Mission Possible

Last Monday at girl scouts a special visitor made a surprise appearance. Can you guess who that was? Yep, it was Santa Claus. I do have a point here. Lil Miss told Santa that she wanted a sparkly Michael Jackson glove. When I found that out I had asked a friend, " Where on Earth am I going to find a Michael Jackson glove this close to Christmas" to which Lil Miss said "No mommy, you don't have to find one, Santa will get it for me." Little does she know...

So I set out yesterday on a mission, a mission to get the materials needed to make my girl a sparkly Michael Jackson glove. First I headed to Hobby Lobby to find the perfect sparklies and the right way to attach them. I ended up with a bag if silver sequence and jewel to fabric glue. I would have bought rhinestones but they were too expensive.

Next I had to find white gloves. I knew I wouldn't find white dress gloves without spending a fortune so I headed to dollar stores to find white winter gloves. After 3 dollar stores I finally ended up at Walgreens and just as I was giving up, I found the white gloves I needed.

I'm going to make her glove tonight, if I can get the girls to sleep at a decent hour. I can't wait to see her face Christmas morning when she see's that Sparkly glove hanging out of her stocking! I promise to take pictures.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Picture pages

Do you remember Bill Cosby's Picture Pages? I used to love to watch it during my Saturday morning cartoons! Here is a picture of my KB and our dog Penn on 12/4/09. School was canceled due to snow so we took advantage of the photo opportunity!
Me and Lil Miss! She had so much fun playing that she didn't want to come inside!
This is this years Christmas card picture. I can't believe how big my girls are!
The laptop my husband surprised me with 2 weeks ago. I love it, but I love my husband more!
I'm so proud of this cake I made for my hardcore Twilighter KB. The cake is red velvet and I did all the writing freehand! Am I good or what? When she saw her cake, she said " It's just how I imagined it!". Awwwwww, she's adorable right?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Just 1 more day!

It's that time of year again for the folks that work in the school district (me me me) to have our Christmas vacation. Two weeks of workless bliss. I am really looking forward to my little vacation.
We are just about ready for Christmas! Shopping, decorating, wrapping. All done! I can't believe that I'm so ahead of the game this year. Usually I'm scrambling up until the last minute finding the right things for the kids, my husband hates it! I'm really proud of myself! The kids are ready for the holiday too! Today they had their class holiday parties, and tomorrow is their annual Polar Express day. The kids wear their pajamas to school and watch the Polar Express, the the librarian gives each student a copy of the book. My girls love it and look forward to Polar Express day. My husband is actually looking forward to next week, which is weird because he's usually so "Bah Humbug"! He's taking Wednesday through Tuesday off so I'm glad he'll be able to spend some time with me and the girls while we're on vacation.

The past few weeks have been a blur. Work and school have been keeping us very busy. I may be tired when I come home, but in these times, I'm thankful my husband and I both have steady jobs. The girls are finished with Girl Scouts for the year and come January they'll go full throttle selling cookies.( If anyone wants to buy some, just let me know :)

I must apologize to my 3 readers. I have been a terrible blogger lately and I promise to be better! I have 2 reviews to type up and lots of new pictures to post. Bear with me as I finish out a very busy work month. One more day!!!!