Good Monday morning! This weekend was a lazy one. Friday night was the usual hang out, don't do much kind of night. Mike played Street Fighter on XBOX and the girls and I watched movies in my room. Mike and I were both tired, him from work and me from cleaning house all day doing the unusual chores that I don't do daily. Saturday I went shopping for Maia's birthday presents, cooked dinner and then we had family game night. The girls LOVE family game night! We played Sorry ( I won) and several games of Yahtzee. The dice seemed to be lucky for Mike who scored 2 yahtzees in one game. He won of course, but one of us girls will take him out next week, his luck has to run out sometime. I bought Maia Yahtzee Jr, Princess edition for her birthday. I know she'll love it and Kaylah and I can play it with her. She loves games and puzzles and for nearly 6, she's great at them. Sunday we all slept in, it was wonderful! When Mike crawled out of bed Maia crawled in. I love cuddling with her, she's just so sweet in the mornings. Later I made breakfast, washed laundry, cooked dinner, and settled in for my Sunday night TV. It was a great, lazy weekend.
One of my shows is a program on Animal planet called Whale Wars. Those of you that know me well, know that I have always loved the ocean, marine life and even wanted to be a marine biologist since the age of 6. My parents took us to Sea World all the time, and I'll never forget the joy I felt watching the Shamu shows, feeding the dolphins, and laughing at the sea lion shows. Sea World holds great memories for me. Anyways, I'm rambling now. Back to Whale Wars. This show follows the Sea Shephards on their campaigns to stop Japanese Whalers from meeting thier quota. They're basically hippies on a ship that sail around the artic looking for thge japanese whaling fleet. When they do catch up to one of the I beleive 6 whaling vessels it's on! They throw bottles of buteric acid, some slippery powder bombs and try to fowl their propellars with huge cables ( that never works). They claim that Japan kills way over their quota of Minke whales and that they need to be stopped. Japan claims that the Sea Shephards are Environmental Terrorists and consider them the Al Quaida of the seas. Japan aslo claims that they are collecting research data on whales which I don't doubt, but when the main ship is a floating factory vessel that processes and packages whale meat... Japan you do not have me sold on that idea.
The Sea Shephards are just one ship full of volunteers. They donot all get along and the captain and first mate clearly have their heads up their butts. Their sailing experience is minimal, they're in the artic manuvering around icebergs and completely ignore coordinates to constantly find themselves hundreds of miles in the wrong direction or like in last weeks Ep they found themselves DEEP in a sea of ice ( In a ship not capable of crushing ice) with maybe 200 ft of visibility. It was insane. There are some people on the ship that know what they're doing but I'd say it's only 25% of the crew. It's sad, they mean well but nearly kill themselves in the process every campaign! Either way, I love this show! Mike and I watched it last night in bed and laughed at what a moron the captain is. Wikipedia Sea Shephards, it's an interesting read if you're up for it.
In other news, my big sis turned 31 yesterday. She says her birthday wasn't all that great :( She did get some nice gifts but was completely sideswiped when she realized she was not getting her chocolate birthday cake. If I had been there I would have made her one. She loved the cake I baked her last year. I think my brother in law needs a smack upside the head for not even bothering to buy a $2.00 cake mix and some Chocolate frosting and baking her a cake. I'm sorry sis, that really does suck, what's a birthday without cake?
This is it for me this morning. The girls will be awake wanting breakfast soon and I have plenty to do before Maia's birthday later this week. See you soon!